A Winning Inauguration Left Americans At Peace

Stella Dale

Since last week, with snow flurries, and Lady Gaga, the 2021 presidential inauguration was good entertainment. Opening footage of important politicians, a big red ball gown worn by Lady Gaga singing the national anthem, and a 22 year-old poet made a mark on inaugural history. The pledge of allegiance was recited by 1,000 people, 20 times less than the normal number of audience members.

The first Latina supreme court justice swore in our first Madame Vice President of the United States. Kamala Harris repeated the oath, becoming officially our badass V.P. 

Jenifer Lopez performed, starting off Biden’s presidential term like a champ. The sun started to shine, as people watched as Joseph R. Biden got sworn into office. 

Security was a breach of wonder for many Americans that day. Is it possible that elected officials wore bulletproof vests underneath their wool coats? 

Since the Capitol attack, security was hugely amped up in D.C. In preparation for the big day, restaurants and hotels surrounding the capitol were forced to close, in order to prevent a possible attack on the president or the surrounding audience.

 Twelve years ago, which seems like a lifetime, Barack Obama was sworn in as the president. Nearly 1.8 million people surrounded him in D.C. This time around, less than 1,000 people were at Biden’s. Due to safety concerns, there weren’t as many people there.

Due to covid, people were instructed to wear masks throughout the entire ceremony. Aside from masks, some other hip accessories, like Bernie Sander’s knitted mittens, were a big highlight that stole the show. Look it up, the memes are endless and hilarious. 

As far as fashion, Miu Miu, Sergio Hudson, and matching looks were the highlight of the inauguration. Politicians marched down the hallway entrance looking proud, as guards stood outside the doors.

It seemed as if they waited for a minute before stepping out as a way for a delay to see if anything would happen. People applauded as more and more people descended the stairs to their seats. 

A large portion of Washington was shut down, while National Guards staggered across the city. The FBI warned officials and people the week before, to watch out for mobs and potential riots beforehand.

People were told to not  come to D.C. due to the Capitol attack and threat of Covid. Many Americans instead watched on TV, while others live streamed it. Nearly 40 million people watched our new President and Vice President take their oaths last week. 

The inauguration remained peaceful. People were thrilled to not have any antics or disruption. 

Hopefully in 2025, the next inauguration will be as peaceful as this one, with more people, and less hate and more of a united front. 


The President, Vice President, and First Lady and first Gentleman stand at the steps waving to America. VIA The Telegraph.